From Ghibli Studios, “Whisper of the Heart” is about a middle school girl, revolving around her life as she encounters new people, and faces challenges growing up. She meets a interesting boy in her grade, who likes her. He has an ambition to become a violin maker, which inspires her, but she feels inadequate because of her laid back attitude and lack of purpose in life.
The movie like all Ghibli movies is very atmospheric. Has animals, family life, country life, music and songs, nature, fairy tale elements, gorgeous visuals. We can feel the teenage angst of the middle school children; dubbing and realistic dialogs are very impressive. It’s a growing up story, from the heart. I found it emotional and inspiring. Children because of their innocence and naivety, can shine really bright and inspire people, unburdened by repetition of daily life. The feeling of longing described in the movie, companionship, to be understood and inspired by someone, is a very strong feeling. When you meet a person like that it can truly change your life.