The movie “Dead Poets society” revolves around the non-conformist high school teacher Professor Keating, teaching a class of boys. The central mood of the movie is “Carpe Diem” or “Seize the day”. Nietzche would’ve liked Professor Keating, afterall he’s the one who proclaimed “Live dangerously”. What makes it so good? It tells a very familiar story. Like all good art almost everyone can identify with it, and like all the really good art it makes us reflect on our own lives, asking us to be better.
Conformity is the difficulty in maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others. We have a great need for acceptance but you must trust your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think they’re odd or unpopular.
You must strive to find your own voice. The longer you wait to begin the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said ‘Most men lead lives of quite desperation’. Don’t be resigned to that! Breakout!